Healthy Routines,  In the Now,  Let’s talk about Yoga,  Meditation

Birdwatching -fulness

We all have our day jobs and we tend to get caught up with our daily routines. Most of these routines are fast paced and when we get time to wind down, most of the time the easiest thing to do is to grab our phone and scroll, or to catch up with any of the series that we have been streaming.

Any season is great for taking a stroll around your neighborhood or going for a walk to a nearby park and do a walking meditation. This is a great way to practice mindfulness and experience every aspect of your surroundings. Birds are the best way to start drawing your attention to the now moment since they tend to be fully present. Just watch how playful with their movements are and how aware they are of their surroundings. Birds will keep your focus engaged if you are fully present. Look at the detail in their feathers, the different eye types, some of them look like they are wearing masks. They love to bask under the sun while opening up their feathers and they’ll even take a bath in a small puddle, which is such a relaxing thing to see.

You can start doing it any time! Maybe start this weekend! Enjoy 🙂